
Why beans are tough / not boiled

Reading time - 3 minutes.
coarse beans
The beans are boiled long - an hour or two, especially old, and even after several hours of cooking it can be tough. The reason for the hardness is in the shelf life and storage conditions, very old beans will not become soft even after 3 hours of cooking.

Any beans for softness should be prepared for boiling. The grains should be doused with boiling water in order to destroy the layer of natural wax that prevents them from getting wet. Then you need to rinse the beans with cold water and pour over to soak. It is important to remember that the proteins released into the water contribute to the development of bacteria that secrete organic acids. The acidic environment is not conducive to the digestion of beans. Therefore, it is recommended to take boiled water, which, if possible, needs to be changed several times. To make the water neutral and even alkaline, it is advised to add baking soda to it (from a quarter to half a teaspoon). To boil the beans, you need to take fresh cold water, after boiling, change it again to cold water - this will speed up the cooking.

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How much to cook / Tips / Why beans are tough / not boiled


