
If the barley has sprouted

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pearl barley
Barley is one of the most affordable cereals. It is used for cooking cereals, second and first courses. Pearl barley takes a long time to cook and gives a viscous gray broth. To speed up the cooking process and make the dish more attractive, it can be pre-soaked in cold water overnight and left in a cool place.

If you did so, and the next morning you found that the pearl barley had sprouted, do not rush to throw it away. First of all, listen to your feelings. If a pleasant fresh smell emanates from the cereal (usually very intense), then everything is in order with it. Sprouted barley is softer. It is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, you can safely cook with her what you have in mind. Groats with sprouts can be consumed even without heat treatment, simply by rinsing with cold water - they are soft and tender. Light vegetable salads are prepared with sprouts. And raw foodists eat grains as an independent dish, specially sprouting them. The fact that the pearl barley sprouted overnight or 24 hours, and did not deteriorate, only indicates that it is fresh.

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How much to cook / Tips / If the barley has sprouted


