
How to add jellied meat

Reading time - 3 minutes.
It happens that the products for the jellied meat are laid in a saucepan, all the spices are perfectly selected, but the salt, which traditionally put at the beginning of cooking, forgot. It's good if you remembered this at the beginning of cooking - then the salt is poured directly into the pan and during the long hours of simmering the salt will surely saturate all the products. But what if they remembered about salt when the jellied meat had already cooled down and even more difficult - froze?

If the jelly is cold, but you haven't disassembled it yet, pour a mug of broth with a ladle, put it in the microwave for a minute and add salt - about a tablespoon (for a 5 liter pan of jellied meat). Dissolve the salt in the hot broth and stir in the bulk of the broth. Salt the disassembled meat separately with fine salt and make sure that the salt is completely dissolved in the meat juices.

If the jelly is frozen and you did not notice the lack of salt when parsing meat - do not despair. Heat the jellied meat in the microwave or in a water bath, and turn the same operation with adding the broth.

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How much to cook / Tips / How to add jellied meat


