
What to do with potatoes after cooking

Reading time - 3 minutes.
Boiled potatoes - one of the simplest and most delicious side dishes. After checking the potatoes are ready with a fork or a sharp, narrow knife, the first thing to do is drain the water. Then you can add a piece of butter, finely chopped herbs, close the pan with a lid and, taking it by the handles, shake well. The oil and herbs will be evenly distributed over all the potatoes, but they themselves will retain their shape, remain whole and appetizing. This is the most classic serving of boiled potatoes.

The second option is puree, drain the water, crush the potatoes, gradually adding butter, salt and milk.

The third option is to cut the potatoes into slices and fry until golden brown.

The fourth option is to stew potatoes along with ready-made stew or fried minced meat. Well, or simply - rub more cheese on top of the potatoes, it will also turn out very satisfying.

For salads and okroshka, the tubers are boiled in the peel. Therefore, after cooking, you need to drain the water, let the potatoes cool and carefully peel them with a sharp knife.

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How much to cook / Tips / What to do with potatoes after cooking


