
Do I need to peel potatoes when cooking?

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whether to peel potatoes
Do I need to peel potatoes before cooking? The answer to this question depends on the dish that you plan to receive as a result. If you want to do classic boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, then peeling off the skin before cooking is definitely required. If potatoes are taken to a salad or for cooking okroshka, then it will be tastier to leave the tubers in their uniforms and peel them after boiling. It is believed that all useful vitamins and minerals are preserved in this way, a significant part of which is located directly under the skin. It is not necessary to peel young potatoes, it is enough to rinse them well and walk over them with a mesh sponge to remove the remaining soil. A thin skin only adds piquancy to the taste. But if you have concerns about the growing location of store-bought potatoes and the amount of pesticides in it, then feel free to cut the skin with a thick layer. In such cases, you should never risk your health.
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How much to cook / Tips / Do I need to peel potatoes when cooking?


