
What if the boletus is wormy?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
Mushroom pickers often find wormy boletus in the forest. Usually this is an old mushroom, in which mosquitoes or flies managed to lay eggs. After a while, larvae appear from them and gradually destroy their "home".

However, you should not be afraid of poisoning with worm oil. A strongly wormy mushroom will be rotten and you simply will not allow it to eat. It is better to select young or minimally damaged boletus for food.

How to deal with wormy mushrooms

If, nevertheless, the worm-eaten oiler got into the basket, do not rush to throw it away:

1. Carefully remove the damaged areas with a knife.
2. Cut the mushrooms in half and submerge them in salt water. After 3 hours, the worms will rise to the surface.
3. If a badly eaten oiler is cut in the forest, do not throw it away. Stick it upside down on the branch. So it will not rot, but dry out. The spores will crumble, and a new mycelium will form in this place.
4. Do not be discouraged if 1-2 worms remain inside. In fried or stewed butter, they are completely invisible. But cooking boiled butter, you should strain the broth so that the worm does not float up in anyone's plate.

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