
If black-headed shrimp ...

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black-headed shrimp
Shrimp is a healthy product, it is only important to buy them carefully, with attention to the appearance of the seafood. Sometimes black-headed shrimps come across in the package. You cannot eat such a product. These individuals are sick. Such shrimp is a poor quality product. Shrimps have a black head that have been stored without freezing, spoiled, and their meat is flabby. Such food will do more harm than good. Therefore, sort the black-headed shrimp and discard. If you ate one shrimp with a black head, it's not scary. But if there are a lot of them, it is better to check the smell after cooking.

But do not confuse black shrimp heads with black or brown caviar, the dark clot of caviar is under the head. Brown color indicates that shrimp with caviar - these shrimps need to be boiled in the usual way, and when eating enjoy caviar... Green-headed or orange-red-headed shrimp are also edible. Color speaks of nutritional characteristics. But if the head falls off or is missing, the shrimps themselves are small, it is better not to buy such shrimps.

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