
Is jam made in an aluminum pot?

Reading time - 2 minutes.
jam in an aluminum bowl
The short answer is: yes, you can cook, but undesirable due to oxidation processes. You can boil the jam, and then immediately pour it into jars. A five-minute minute with several cooking stages is not cooked in an aluminum container, except in a water bath.
Some housewives love aluminum dishes, and some are terribly afraid of it. It has been scientifically proven that it is possible to cook jam in an aluminum dish, it will not bring any harm to the jam, on the contrary, the jam will not burn, which will save the hostess from many problems.

However, in no case should you store jam in such a dish, because aluminum can harm the health of those who use such jam. It is better to transfer the sweet mass to another dish immediately after cooking. So the jam will remain healthy and tasty.

Therefore, if you cook five-minute jam in several passes, use non-oxidizable materials, for example, stainless steel with a thick bottom.
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How much to cook / Tips / Is jam made in an aluminum pot?


