
How much sparassis to cook?

Sparassis cook 20 minutes.
Attention! Only young sparassis is edible. Sparassis, which has acquired a brownish color, is not suitable for food because of its hardness.

How to cook sparassis

Fresh sparassis - 2 pieces
Salt to taste

How to cook sparassis
1. Dip the sparassis in cold water for 15 minutes to make it easier to clean.
2. Then thoroughly clean the mushrooms from forest debris and rinse with cold water.
3. Cut the mushrooms (or tear by hand) into small pieces.
4. Put chopped sparassis in a saucepan, pour cold water so that it completely covers the mushrooms, season with salt.
5. Put the pan on high heat, after boiling, remove the foam, reduce heat, cook for 20 minutes. 6. Place the mushrooms in a colander.

How to cook sparassis in a slow cooker
1. Place the chopped sparassis in a steamer (special basket-steamer).
2. Pour hot water into the multicooker pan, put it in the multicooker, put the steamer on top, close the lid.
3. Select the "Steam cooking" mode, set the timer for 30 minutes.
4. Put chopped mushrooms in a multicooker container, salt, close the lid.
5. There is no need to add water - the mushrooms will be cooked in their own juice.
6. Set the mode "Stewing", cooking time 20 minutes.
7. Select the "Baking" mode, set the timer for 10 minutes so that excess moisture evaporates from the mushrooms.

How to cook sparassis in a double boiler
1. Place the sparassis in a bowl for cooking rice, add salt.
2. Pour water into the pan of the steamer. Put the bowl in a double boiler, close the lid.
3. Set a timer for 30 minutes.


- For its appearance, sparassis has 2 more names - mushroom cabbage and ram mushroom, and sometimes "curly" is added to the word "sparassis". For its appearance, it is often mistakenly classified as an inedible mushroom.

- Calorie content sparassis - 30 kcal / 100 grams.

- Application sparassis - mainly added to soups. When collecting or choosing sparassis, it is important to consider that only young mushrooms are suitable for food. Mature and old mushrooms will, although harmless, be tough and tasteless. To determine the age of the mushroom, break it slightly - young sparassis is very fragile. You can also distinguish young sparassis by color - it is very light or even white.

- Season sparassis - from late July to October. Sparassis grows at the roots of trees.

- Beneficial features due to the fact that sparassis contains polysaccharides and bioactive components (antitumor activity and antimicrobial action), the substance sparassol (natural antibiotic). The mushroom is dietary, helps in the fight against excess weight.

- Tips for making sparassis
1. The mushroom does not need to be digested, otherwise it will fall apart and the taste will suffer.
2. It is undesirable to add spices during cooking, as sparassis will lose its special nutty taste and aroma.
3. There is no need to boil sparassis before frying.
4. Sparassis can be boiled in milk (just like in water), this will emphasize its special taste.

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Reading time - 3 minutes.
How much to cook Mushrooms Sparassis


