
How much to cook portobello mushrooms?

Cook Portobello in salted water. 15-17 minutes.

How to cook portobello

You will need - portobello, water, salt

1. Wash the Portobello, cut off the roots, brush off the dirt with a brush.
2. Place the portobello in a saucepan, pour in the water so that it covers the mushrooms.
3. Put the pan on fire.
4. Add salt.
5. After boiling, cook the portobello for 15 minutes, covered with a lid, over low heat with a slight boil.
6. Drain the broth (it can be used for making soups and sauces), cool the mushrooms and use as directed.
Your portobello mushrooms are cooked!

How much and how to fry portobello

The portobello must be fried before the liquid from the portobello is evaporated from the pan. Usually frying requires 7-10 minutes.


- It is not recommended to wet large portobello mushrooms. Since the mushrooms are grown in artificial sterile conditions, they are unlikely to be contaminated and cleaning with a soft brush is sufficient. If you still need wash mushrooms, it is recommended to then use them immediately and dry them for 5-7 minutes before cooking.

- When choosing portobello keep in mind that mushrooms with curved caps are young, full of moisture. It is more rational from the point of view of economy to buy mature mushrooms, from which moisture has already come out. An even cap has a positive effect on the taste of the mushroom: the taste of a mature Portobello is richer, and the structure is denser.

- Portobello - this is a variety of champignons, has a particularly large cap size. In Moscow stores you can find portobello with hats up to 10 centimeters in diameter.

- Calorie content portobello - 26 kcal / 100 grams.

- Portobello is usually grow in artificial myceliums. However, unlike conventional champignons, the process of growing portobello is more subtle, so the cultivation of portobello is less common. Associated with this is the high cost of mushrooms in stores.

- Portobello price in Moscow stores - 500 rubles / 1 kilogram.

- Besides cooking, portobello fried and baked... Using a large cap size, the portobello is stuffed and stuffed.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.
How much to cook Mushrooms Portobello


