
How much matsutake to cook?

Soak dried matsutake in water for 1 hour, cook after boiling for 5 minutes.

How to cook matsutake

You will need - matsutake, water, salt

1. Gently rinse the matsutake mushrooms.
2. Cut off the earthy part at the mushroom feet - one centimeter from the cut.
3. Soak the matsutake mushrooms in water for an hour.
4. When the mushrooms have increased about three times, add water if necessary so that it covers the mushrooms completely, place over medium heat.
5. From the moment of boiling, cook the matsutake for 5 minutes - it is important not to overcook them, because overcooked mushrooms run the risk of turning into porridge.


- Matsutake - this is a common in Asia mushroom of the genus Tricholoma, popular in Japanese, Chinese, Korean cuisines. The pulp is light, has a spicy aroma reminiscent of cinnamon. Matsutake grows in colonies under trees, with the roots of some entering into cohabitation - a symbiosis. In Japan, usually with red pine, for which it got its name: matsutake - from Japanese means "pine mushroom".

- Matsutake mushroom is growing in China, Japan, Korea, Finland, Sweden, North America. In America it is found under fir and pine. Prefers barren, dry soil.

- Matsutake can be ordered in online stores with delivery from China in dried form. Price from 800 rubles / 300 grams. From this amount of dried mushrooms, about 1 kilogram of soaked ones will turn out.

- Calorie content matsutake - 28 kcal / 100 grams.

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Reading time - 1 min.
How much to cook Mushrooms Matsutake


