
How much maitake to cook?

Before preparing the maitake, carefully sort it out, cut the folds, clean it from earth, sand, leaves and rinse well. Boil mushrooms in salted water for 8 minutes.

How to cook maitake

You will need - maitake, water, salt

1. Sort out the maitake before boiling, as boil only young light mushrooms of small size.
2. Thoroughly peel the mushrooms, rinse them off the ground and leaves under a running stream of water, cut large ones.
3. Put the maitake in a saucepan, add water, the volume of mushrooms should be half the amount of water.
4. Until boiling, keep the heat low, then remove the foam and reduce the heat.
5. Season with salt, bay leaves, black and / or allspice peas to taste.
6. Boil the maitake for 8 minutes after boiling.
7. Put the maitake in a colander, drain the water and use the boiled mushrooms as directed.


- The maitake mushroom is also known as titles dancing mushroom, ram mushroom and curly griffin.

- The poetic name "maitake" indicates likeness a mushroom with a fluttering butterfly (May - dance, take - mushroom), and the prosaic mushroom-ram - on the similarity of a wavy structure with sheep's wool.

- A mushroom is called a dancing mushroom, because according to ancient custom, the one who found it was obliged dance - either from happiness (for the mushroom they gave its weight in silver), or to perform a ritual (so as not to violate the healing properties).

- Growing the mushroom from the second half of August to the end of September, not every year, is found in deciduous forests, most often in oaks.

- Calorie content maitake mushrooms - 30 kcal / 100 grams.

- For food it is recommended to collect young mushrooms, light colored. Darkened ones are also edible, but inferior in taste.

- To collect Maitake mushrooms are correct, you should carefully cut them from the tree or the ground with a sharp large knife - in this case, the mycelium will not be damaged, and the maitake will continue to grow.

- Fresh maitake are kept in the refrigerator for no more than two days, dried - in a hermetically sealed glass jar. You can also freeze them in the freezer.

- One of the largest maitake mushrooms (a mushroom of 250 caps with legs) was found in 2017 in the Perm Territory - its weight was 2.5 kilograms.
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How much to cook Mushrooms Maitake


