
How much to cook oak wood?

Cooking Duboviks 10 minutes minutes in the first water, 20 minutes - in the second water.

How to cook oak wood

You will need - oak wood, water, salt

1. Clean the oak trees from forest debris, scrape off the ground, cut off the lower earthy edge of the leg, rinse in cool running water.
2. Cut large oak trees in half.
3. Pour 2-3 liters of fresh water into a saucepan, put oak woods, mushrooms should be completely under water, place on medium heat, bring to a boil, cook oak woods for 10 minutes, adding salt water.
4. Drain the water from the pot with oak woods, pour fresh cool water, wait for a boil, cook for 20 minutes.

How to pickle oak wood

What you need to marinate oak wood
Duboviks - 1 kilogram
Citric acid - on the tip of a knife
Vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons
Marinade - about 200 milliliters of water, a tablespoon of sea salt, a tablespoon of sugar, 5 black peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, a few sprigs of dill, a couple of cloves, 3 cloves of garlic.

How to pickle oak trees
1. Wash, peel and boil oak wood.
2. Put the oak woods in a colander, let the water drain.
3. Cook the marinade: bring the water to a boil, add spices, salt, sugar and herbs, boil for 5 minutes.
4. Add mushrooms to the marinade, boil for another 5 minutes.
5. Put the oak woods in a jar, pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar on top, close the jars.


- The oak mushroom has a rounded spherical velvety head of chestnut, brown or dark brown colors... Darkens when pressed. The diameter of the cap ranges from 5 to 20 centimeters. Sometimes the cap can be slimy, with age, the velvety disappears. The flesh of the oak tree is yellowish, in the stem it is brown, at the cut it immediately turns blue or becomes greenish-blue. The stem is barrel-shaped, usually thickened below, yellow-red in color without a mesh, but with red dots or scales. The leg is 5 to 15 centimeters high, 1.5 to 4 centimeters thick.

- Dubovik prefers acidic soil, so more often meets in a swampy area, among the moss. It grows under oak, beech, spruce, fir, forming a symbiosis with them. Dubovik is common in Eastern Siberia, less often in Western, in Europe, in the Caucasus, in the southern regions of the Far East.

- Season harvesting oak tree - from mid-May to October, and the highest peak - in July.

- Own name he received an oak tree because it often grows under an oak tree. In Russia, this mushroom is also called boletus poddubikov, poddubnik.

- Dubovik does not have a bright smell and taste, but has a rare sourness. It is considered a conditionally edible mushroom, since the oak tree contains poisonous substances that are destroyed during the cooking process. Eating raw or undercooked oak wood is not recommended, as it can cause intestinal upset.

- Raw Oak kept 2 days in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment, boiled - 2-3 days in the refrigerator in broth. Can be frozen.

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Reading time - 3 minutes.
How much to cook Mushrooms Duboviki


