
How much salt honey mushrooms?

pickle honey mushrooms
Salt honey mushrooms from 5 days to several weeks, depending on the recipe. It will take 2 hours to process honey agarics for pickling 1 liter, and 5 hours for pickling 10 kilograms.

How to salt honey mushrooms

Preparing honey agarics for salting
1. Before salting, it is necessary to sort out the mushrooms, clear the mushrooms from the ground, leaves and needles, discard the rotten ones.
2. Cut off the lowest part of the leg, clean the "skirts" and remove the film under the cap.
3. Rinse honey mushrooms in cold water.
4. If desired, sort the mushrooms; cut large mushrooms into pieces.

How to salt honey mushrooms in a cold way

The time spent on cooking the mushrooms is 2 hours, the cooking time is 14 days.
Fresh mushrooms - 1 kilogram
Salt - 50 grams
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Bay leaves - 1-2 pieces
Dill umbrellas - 1-2 pieces
Horseradish leaves - 2-3 pieces
Black peppercorns - 2-3 pieces
Currant and cherry leaves - to taste
Oak leaves - 2-3 pieces

Cold way of salting honey agaric
1. Rinse and dry the leaves of currant, horseradish, cherry, oak.
2. Get a clean and dry pickling pot. Lay out the horseradish leaves so that they completely cover the bottom.
3. Gently spread the prepared mushrooms on top, caps down and salt.
4. Put dill umbrellas, bay leaves, black peppercorns and chopped garlic cloves on top of the mushrooms.
5. Lay the cherry, currant and oak leaves on top.
6. Close with a lid smaller in diameter than the dish and press down with a load on top.
7. Put the pan with mushrooms in a cool place.
8. After 4-5 days, drain the resulting brine and lay out the second layer of mushrooms.
9. Season with salt, add garlic, pepper and cover the layer of mushrooms with leaves and herbs.
10. Repeat the procedure until you run out of space or mushrooms.
11. After the juice appears from the mushrooms, put cheesecloth folded in several layers in a saucepan under oppression.
12. Put the pan with mushrooms in a cool place for two weeks. After that, you can put it in banks and roll up.
13. Store mushrooms in a saucepan until seaming at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees.

How to salt honey mushrooms in a hot way

Time spent - 1 hour. Salting time - 5 days.
Fresh mushrooms - 1 kilogram
Onions - 1 piece
Salt - 40 grams
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Bay leaves - 1-2 pieces
Dill umbrellas - 1-2 pieces
Black peppercorns - 2-3 pieces
Cloves - 2-3 pieces
Currant and cherry leaves - to taste
Oak leaves - 2-3 pieces

A hot way to salt honey mushrooms
1. Carefully transfer mushrooms prepared for salting into a saucepan, pour water there and salt (1 teaspoon of salt for 1 liter of water).
2. Put on fire and drain the water immediately after boiling.
3. Pour in new water and cook the mushrooms after boiling for 30 minutes.
4. Drain the water again and let the mushrooms cool.
5. At the bottom of a dry and clean salting pan, cut into cloves of garlic, put an umbrella of dill, bay leaf.
6. Put a layer of mushrooms, sprinkle with salt on top (40 grams of salt per kilogram of honey agarics).
7. Add currant, cherry, oak leaves, as well as black pepper and cloves.
8. Alternate layers until mushrooms run out.
9. Put the oppression on top and leave the pan with mushrooms in a cool place for five days.
10. Arrange the mushrooms in sterilized jars and roll up.

How to quickly salt mushrooms

Honey mushrooms - 1 kilogram
Citric acid - 4.5 grams
Salt - 3 tablespoons

Quick salting honey agarics
1. Put citric acid in a saucepan with cold water (2 grams per liter of water).
2.Dip the prepared mushrooms in an acidified solution and stand for one hour, then drain the water.
3. Pour cold water back into the pot (about 5 liters per kilogram of mushrooms) and add citric acid (5 grams per liter of water).
4. Cook honey mushrooms until they drop.
5. Throw the mushrooms in a colander, strain the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
6. In sterile jars, spread mushrooms and pour the strained broth.
7. Cover the jars with lids and put on fire in a saucepan or in a bowl of water.
8. Thus, sterilize 0.5 liter jars - 70 minutes, liter jars - 90 minutes.
9. Roll up the jars, turn the lids up and leave to cool.
Cooking time is 3 hours. Mushrooms are ready for one day.

How to salt honey mushrooms with vinegar

Honey mushrooms - 1 kilogram
Water - 1.5 cups
Salt - 3/4 tablespoon
10% vinegar (you can dilute the essence 1: 7) - 1/4 cup
Peppercorns - 3 pieces
Carnation - 2 things
Cinnamon - on the tip of a teaspoon
Bay leaf - 2 pieces

Salted honey agaric with vinegar
1. Put mushrooms in a saucepan, add water, put on fire.
2. After boiling, remove the foam and drain the water immediately.
3. Mix all the other ingredients and add to the mushrooms.
4. Boil everything together for another 30 minutes.
5. Put in sterilized jars, turn the lids down and leave to cool.
6. In a day, mushrooms are ready for use, but you can leave them for the winter.
Time spent on cooking - 1 hour. The mushrooms are ready for 1 day.


- If the preparation of salted mushrooms is done without boiling (cold method), it is especially important to carefully process the mushrooms before boiling. For additional sterilization of mushrooms, you can fill them with salted water and leave for a couple of hours and then drain the water.

- Before salting honey mushrooms, they must be weighed in order to correctly calculate amount of salt... One kilogram of raw honey mushrooms requires 40 grams of salt. It is better to use coarse salt for pickling, since it contains fewer chemical elements that are used to cleanse the salt and can add extra flavor notes to salted mushrooms.

- When preparing honey agarics for salting you can separate small from large and salt them separately. If it is important to save time, then you can not separate the mushrooms, but salt everything together. When cleaning large honey agarics, the legs should be cut off, leaving only a small foam at the cap. In medium honey mushrooms, cut the legs into pieces no more than 2 centimeters and only very small mushrooms can be salted whole. It should be said that the appetizer looks the most appetizing, consisting of small whole mushrooms that have completely retained their shape during cooking, so the mushrooms must be processed as carefully as possible. - Mushroom quality can be checked with an onion added to the water during boiling. If the color of the onion has not changed, then all mushrooms can be further processed without fear. But if the bulb has acquired a grayish or bluish tint, it is better to refuse these mushrooms and not risk your health and your loved ones.

- It is allowed to make a blank in a barrel and store in it, but at home this method is unlikely to be the safest for the quality of mushrooms. To get a fragrant preparation with a barrel aroma, it is recommended to do all the procedures in a barrel, keep the mushrooms under load in the barrel, but finally put the mushrooms in the jars.

- If mushrooms brighten during salting, nothing needs to be done, this is normal.

- Before salting honey mushrooms, you should take into account that a three-liter can of salted mushrooms is obtained from one bucket of fresh mushrooms. Since an open can of salted mushrooms is stored for 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to salt mushrooms in small cans with a volume of 200-300 milliliters.

- Meadow mushrooms (with stiff legs) should only be salted hot, since they remain tough with others - When cooking honey agarics water in the pot should be poured at the rate of 2 cups per kilogram of mushrooms.

- Ready-made salted mushrooms are served mixed with vegetable oil and chopped onion in half rings, as a snack.

- Spice retain the taste and aroma of salted mushrooms, but their excessive use can destroy the delicate taste of honey mushrooms. Mushrooms go very well with garlic and dill. When salting, bay leaves, black peppercorns, currant leaves, and cherries are also used. Horseradish leaves, like the root, make the mushrooms crisp, and the oak root gives elasticity. You can add cloves, coriander and rosemary, which has a coniferous smell and the mushrooms are "forest". The amount and ratio of spices can be added to taste, the main thing is not to overdo it. Leaves of currants, lavrushka, cherries must be scalded with boiling water before being put in jars. So harmful microorganisms and bacteria cannot get to the mushrooms, and the aroma from the leaves will be stronger.

- Salting dishes for mushrooms it is best to use a wooden cold method, it can be bought from craftsmen. You can also use ceramic or enamel dishes, but always without chips or cracks. Before use, be sure to boil the dishes with boiling water and dry them. With the hot method of salting on the remaining broth, you can cook mushroom soup.

- As oppression when salting mushrooms, you can use a stone (first wash it clean and scald it with boiling water) or a jar of water. If the neck of the dishes is not wide, a bottle of water will do.

- So that the ready-made salted mushrooms do not grow moldy during storage, on top they can be covered with gauze dipped in vinegar. Store the pickled mushrooms in a cool place. It can be a refrigerator, cellar or balcony, if the air temperature is not more than ten degrees. Store an open jar for no more than 1-2 weeks. You can pour a little vegetable oil into a jar of salted mushrooms. So air access will be impossible, and the mushrooms will last much longer.

- Before serving, it is recommended to put honey mushrooms in a salad bowl or bowl, season with vegetable oil, add onion chopped into rings, chopped garlic and dill.

- You can buy salted honey mushrooms in the store all year round, but homemade ones have a brighter taste and aroma. The cost of store mushrooms is 800 rubles / 1 liter, home-grown mushrooms with their own collected mushrooms - from 20 rubles. (price as of June 2017).

- The calorie content of salted honey agarics is 20 kcal.

- It is recommended to serve salted mushrooms for any winter and spring holidays (New Year, Christmas, Shrovetide, etc.), you can eat it during Lent.

- Salted honey mushrooms are an excellent addition when preparing dishes such as mashed potatoes, boiled rice and pasta.

How to salt honey mushrooms in cucumber pickle

Fresh mushrooms - 1 kilogram
Cucumber pickle - half a liter
Salt - 30 grams
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Bay leaves - 1-2 pieces
Dill umbrellas - 1-2 pieces
Black peppercorns - 2-3 pieces
Cloves - 2-3 pieces
Currant and cherry leaves - to taste

Salted honey agaric in cucumber pickle
1. Put prepared mushrooms in a saucepan, pour water, add salt (10 grams of salt per liter of water) and put on fire.
2. After boiling, drain the water together with the formed foam, and rinse the mushrooms again.
3. Pour new cold water and cook the mushrooms in it for 40 minutes after boiling.
4. Drain the water through a colander, cool the mushrooms.
5. Put chopped garlic, bay leaves and other spices on the bottom of a dry and clean saucepan.
6. Then put the mushrooms and salt (30 grams of salt per 1 kilogram of honey agarics).
7. Pour honey mushrooms with cucumber pickle so that it completely covers the mushrooms.
8. Put the mushrooms under oppression and put in a cool place for 5 days.
9. After that, put the mushrooms in jars, store in the refrigerator.
The time taken for cooking is 1 hour, the time for pickling mushrooms is 2-3 weeks.

A couple of tips for salting honey agarics

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Author / Editor -
Reading time - 10 minutes.
How much to cook Mushrooms Honey mushrooms Salting


