
How much to cook honey mushrooms?

boil honey mushrooms
Honey mushrooms should be cooked in time 30 minutes... After boiling, boil honey mushrooms until foam forms (5 minutes). Then change the water for honey agarics and boil in new water from 20 before 25 minutes.
Cook honey mushrooms in a slow cooker on the "Steam cooking" mode 25 minutes.
Cook mushrooms for 20 minutes before frying. Cook frozen mushrooms for 10 minutes after boiling, without defrosting.

How to cook honey mushrooms

You will need - honey mushrooms, water, salt, spices

How to clean mushrooms
1. Carefully cut off damaged, rotten places and the base of the leg with a knife. Throw away crumpled and spoiled mushrooms.
2. With a dry soft (you can use a toothbrush) brush to clean the leg from the rest of the debris and remove the film under the cap.
3. There may be debris on the mushrooms or under the film of the cap, which can be easily removed by washing the mushrooms with water or with a knife.
4. Thoroughly rinse mushrooms in cold water, chop into strips if necessary.

How to cook honey mushrooms
1. Cook mushrooms no more than two days after collection.
2. Prepare enameled utensils for cooking honey mushrooms, without chips.
3. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt (1 tablespoon to 2 liters of water) and put on fire.
4. After boiling, put the washed mushrooms in the water.
honey agaric boiling process
5. Boil honey mushrooms for 30 minutes after boiling, removing the foam; if mushrooms are then supposed to fry, then 10 minutes. If in doubt about the quality of the mushrooms, change the water after 5 minutes of boiling.
6. Ready mushrooms should settle to the bottom of the pan.
7. Put honey mushrooms in a colander, let the broth drain into a saucepan: it can then be used in soups or gravies.
8. Cool mushrooms and use in cooking.

How to cook frozen mushrooms
frozen mushrooms
You can not boil mushrooms frozen in store and frozen with your own hands at home.
1. Do not defrost frozen mushrooms before cooking.
2. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan and add a little water (so that it slightly covers the mushrooms).
3. Salt the water (for each kilogram of mushrooms, 1 tablespoon of salt).
4. Put the pan on the fire and cook for 20 minutes after boiling, removing the foam.
5. Strain the mushroom broth, use mushrooms for frying, broth - for broth or mushroom sauce.

How to salt mushrooms?

Salted honey agaric products
Honey mushrooms - 1 kilogram
Garlic - 1 onion
Onions - 1 head
Dill - 1 bunch
Salt - 2 tablespoons
Ground black pepper - 10 pieces
Bay leaf - 2 leaves

A simple recipe for salting honey mushrooms in a hot way
Clean and wash the mushrooms thoroughly. If you are preparing large mushrooms, separate the caps from the legs and thinly cut the legs, the caps - in half. Little mushrooms should be left as they are. Boil honey mushrooms in salted water, drain the water. Peel and cut the garlic in half, chop the onion in half rings, chop the dill. Add peeled garlic, onions, dill, lavrushka and spices to the boiled mushrooms. 1.5 kg. honey agarics are enough 2.5-3 tablespoons of salt - mix. Everything should be put in a container under oppression and left for 4-5 days. Then transfer to jars and store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

A complex recipe for salting honey mushrooms in a hot way
Put the boiled mushrooms in a prepared brine and cook for 10 minutes, then pasteurize in jars for 10 minutes.

A complex recipe for salting honey mushrooms in a cold way
Put the spices, mushrooms on the bottom of the container and sprinkle with salt on top. Put oppression on top and hold a month and a half.When mold appears, remove it, rinse the oppression periodically. Then salted mushrooms put in jars and store in a cool dry place.


- If the mushrooms are supposed to dry after cleaning, then rinsing with water is optional. Good quality dry cleaning is sufficient.

- The mushroom got its name due to the fact that these mushrooms grow mainly on stumps. The most common types of edible mushrooms are: summer mushrooms and autumn mushrooms. Summer honey agaric usually grows on old stumps and fallen trees, but autumn honey agaric can settle on living trees, gradually destroying them. That is why it is called "parasitic fungus".

- It is better to collect honey mushrooms in a basket, in a bag they quickly get wet and lose their shape.

- False mushrooms can only be distinguished from edible mushrooms by an experienced mushroom picker, and they can grow on the same stump with real ones. That is why commercially grown mushrooms are the safest for consumption.

- Not only "autumn" mushrooms are grown industrially, but also "winter" (enokitake) mushrooms. These mushrooms are grown indoors on sacks of hardwood sawdust. You can find Chinese enokitake in stores, similar to sprouted wheat. In terms of quality, they are not inferior to mushrooms with hats.

- Honey mushroom legs contain a large amount of fiber, which is necessary for proper digestion. These mushrooms contain flamulin, which counteracts the appearance of cancer such as sarcoma.

- Honey mushrooms brought home must be processed immediately, as they quickly darken. Clean and dried mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for one year.

- Honey mushrooms are salted for 20 days.

- Small young mushrooms are most suitable for salting honey agarics.

- Ready-made salted mushrooms are served mixed with vegetable oil and chopped onion in half rings, as a snack.

- If mushrooms brighten during salting, nothing needs to be done, this is normal.

- In order to be safe from poisoning, you can boil the mushrooms in one water for 10 minutes, then change the water and cook the mushrooms in it.

- When is the honey agaric season?
The honey agaric season usually begins in mid-August, the season itself is in September, and ends by mid-October or at the end of October, if October was warm and rainy. In 2020, the mushroom season is early due to the humid climate - the first mushrooms appeared already at the end of May. The rest of the time (excluding the snowy winter period) mushrooms grow, but in insignificant quantities.

- Honey mushrooms before cooking definitely need to cleancleaning off the ground, dark and damaged areas.
- Calorie content boiled honey mushrooms - 17 kcal per 100 grams.

- Honey mushrooms contain vitamins C (immunity), E (health of cell membranes), nicotinic acid (rate of redox processes), group B (tissue health, energy production).

What to cook with boiled mushrooms

1. How to cook mushroom soup

Products for honey mushroom soup
A pound of honey agarics, 1 head of onion, 1 carrot, 4 medium potatoes, sour cream and salt to taste.
The cost in season: 150 rub. (on average in Moscow as of September 2017).

Honey mushroom soup recipe
Boil honey mushrooms in plenty of salted water, chop onions, grate carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the onions and carrots, peel and dice the potatoes. Put everything in broth with boiled mushrooms, add salt and spices to taste. Cook until potatoes are ready (15-20 minutes).

2. Salad with boiled mushrooms

Salad products
Fresh mushrooms - 250 grams
Potatoes - 250 grams
Tomatoes - 2 large or 3 medium
Vegetable (sunflower or olive) oil - 3 tablespoons
Chicken egg - 1 piece
Parsley and dill - 10 grams each
Pepper and salt to taste

Cooking salad with boiled mushrooms
1. Peel mushrooms, wash, cut and boil.
2. Boil potatoes in their skins, boil an egg.
3. Peel potatoes and egg, cut into slices.
4.Cut the tomatoes into small half slices.
5. Mix food in a salad bowl, season with salt and pepper, season with oil.
6. Chop the herbs, sprinkle on the salad.
Serve with pleasure! :-)

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How much to cook Mushrooms Honey mushrooms


