How much to cook a rasp?

how much to cook the greenling
Cook the terpuga whole in a saucepan 20 minutesby placing the fish in salted boiling water along with the spices. Before cooking the rasp, scrape off the scales and gut. Cook a little longer on the ear of the raspberry, about 20 minutes, to make a rich broth. If the fish is very large, cut it in half. In a double boiler, cook the pieces of greenling for 15 minutes.

How to cook a rasp

You will need - rasp, water, salt, herbs and spices to taste

1. Wash the terpuga, remove the scales.
2. Make an incision along the rasp's belly, remove the entrails.
3. Cut off the head, tail, fins.
4. Wash the greenling again, including the inside.
5. Put the rasp into the pan, if it does not fit whole, cut the rasp into portions.
6. Pour cold water over the rasp so that it completely covers the pieces of fish.
7. Place the pot with terupga over medium heat and let it boil.
8. Salt the fish with half a teaspoon of salt, put a couple of black peppercorns, bay leaves, cook for 20 minutes.

How to make a rasp meatball soup

Terpug - 1 kilogram
Onions or green onions - 1 small onion or 3 arrows
Fresh lettuce - 250 grams
Garlic - 2 teeth
Starch or flour - 30 grams
Soy sauce - 30 milliliters
Soybean paste to taste
Ground red pepper - a pinch
Salt - half a teaspoon

How to make rasp meatball soup
1. Wash the terpuga, remove the scales.
2. Make an incision along the rasp's belly, remove the entrails.
3. Cut off the head, tail, fins, do not throw out the head.
4. Wash the greenling again, including the inside.
5. With a sharp knife, pick up the edge of the rasp skin, pull the skin off the meat with your hands, do not throw out the rasp skin.
6. Separate the fish fillets from the bones, set the bones aside.
7. Cut the rasp fillet as finely as possible or scroll through a meat grinder.
8. Put red pepper, soy sauce, soybean paste in the minced rasp, mix.
9. Roll up balls of any size from minced meat with wet hands.
10. Pour starch or flour into a deep dish.
11. Roll each ball of raspberry in starch or flour.
12. Wash fresh lettuce, squeeze out with your hands, put to dry on a towel.
13. Cut the lettuce into strips 4-5 centimeters long and 1 centimeter wide.
14. In a saucepan put the head of the rasp, bones, skin, fill with water so that it completely covers the fish parts.
15. Place a saucepan with fish pieces over medium heat and let it boil. 16. Salt broth, reduce heat to low, cook for 20 minutes.
17. Remove the fish parts from the broth with a slotted spoon.
18. Strain the broth through a fine sieve or double layer of gauze.
19. Pour the strained broth into a clean saucepan, place over medium heat, let it boil.
20. Put the rasp meatballs in the broth, cook covered for 20 minutes.
21. Peel the onion, garlic, cut into small squares.
22. Put garlic, onion, chopped lettuce in the finished broth, keep on fire for a minute.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 3 minutes.


