How much to cook rainbow trout?

how much to cook rainbow trout
Boil rainbow trout 20 minutes.

How to cook rainbow trout

Needed - rainbow trout, water, salt, herbs and spices to taste

How to cook rainbow trout in a saucepan
1. Clean fresh rainbow trout from scales, remove entrails, gills, wash in cool water.
2. Divide the trout into several parts.
3. Put the trout in a saucepan, pour 2-3 liters of fresh cool water to cover the trout, close the lid, place over medium heat.
4. After boiling, reduce to low heat, cook for 20 minutes under a covered lid.
5. Remove the boiled fish from the broth, cool slightly and gently remove the thin upper skin with your hands, salt to taste.

How to cook rainbow trout in a slow cooker
1. Peel rainbow trout, gut, remove gills, wash in cool clean water.
2. Cut the rainbow trout into several equal parts and place in the multicooker bowl.
3. Pour 2-3 cups of fresh cold water into the multicooker bowl so that the trout is completely submerged.
4. Close the multicooker bowl, turn on for 20 minutes in the "Cooking" mode; salt the finished fish.

How to steam rainbow trout
1. Peel the rainbow trout, remove the entrails, gills, cut into steaks 3 centimeters thick.
2. Rub the trout on both sides with salt and black pepper and drizzle with lemon juice.
3. Place the trout steaks on the first level of the steamer, cover with a lid.
4. Turn on the steamer for 25 minutes.

How to cook trout fish soup in Finnish

Rainbow Trout - 500 grams
Onions - 2 heads
Potatoes - 4 tubers
Cream - 250 grams
Bay leaves - 1 leaf
Salt - half a teaspoon
Parsley - bunch
Black pepper - 4 peas

How to cook trout fish soup in Finnish
1. Clean rainbow trout from scales, viscera, remove gills, fins, wash in cold water.
2. Cut the fish into pieces approximately 4 centimeters thick.
3. Peel the potatoes, cut into large squares 3 centimeters thick.
4. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
5. Put potatoes in an even layer in a three-liter saucepan, onion on top, the last layer - trout.
6. Pour boiling water over vegetables and fish in a saucepan, put on the burner on a low heat, after boiling, cook for 10 minutes, covering with a lid.
7. Pour in warm cream, salt, add pepper, bay leaf, after boiling, keep on the burner for 5 minutes.
8. Wash and grind the parsley.
9. Sprinkle greens on the ear poured on plates.


- How clean rainbow trout:

1. Place the trout on a cutting board, wrap the tail with a napkin to prevent the fish from slipping.
2. Holding the tail of the trout with a napkin, scrape off the scales with the blunt side of a knife or a stiff metal brush.
3. Carefully rip open the belly of the trout with kitchen scissors, do not immerse them deeply, so as not to damage the gallbladder, otherwise the finished fish will taste bitter. If the gallbladder has ruptured, rub the fillet with salt before cooking.
4. Remove the inner dark film with your hands, using a knife if necessary.
5. Cut the gills with kitchen scissors.
6. With your hands, take the tip of the ridge from the side of the head and slowly pull it towards you, tearing it off the fillet. Large bones should go along with the ridge.
7. Rinse the fish in cool running water.

- Rainbow trout dwells in freshwater bodies, but differs from river trout in a longer body and a bright wide strip located along the lateral line of the fish body.

- The cost frozen rainbow trout - 300 rubles (on average in Moscow as of July 2019).

- Calorie content rainbow trout - 119 kcal / 100 grams.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 3 minutes.


