How much to cook pike?

how much to cook pike
Pike needs to be boiled 25-30 minutes.

Cook pike in a slow cooker 30 minutes on the "Steam cooking" mode.

Cook the pike in the ear for half an hour, for a rich broth - 1 hour.

How to cook pike

Pike - 1 piece
Carrots - 1 piece
Onions - 1 head
Celery, dill - one branch at a time
Potatoes - 1 piece

1. Before cooking, the fish should be cleaned, cut off the head, remove the gills and entrails from the abdomen.
2. The pike must be rinsed well, cut into small pieces and rinsed again.
3. Then transfer with chopped onions.
4. Put chopped carrots, onions, celery and dill in cold water. You can use the onion that was used to shift the fish.
5. Peel the potatoes, cut them and put them in the broth. It will absorb excess fat.
6. Put the pike there.
7. Cook over medium heat.
8. If foam appears, carefully remove it with a slotted spoon.
9. After boiling water, close the pot and reduce heat.
10. Cook for 30 minutes, then remove the pieces of fish from the pan and sprinkle with water, half diluted with vinegar or lime juice.

How to cook pike fish soup

Pike - 700-800 grams
Carrots - 1 piece
Onions - 2 pieces
Parsley root - 2 pieces
Bay leaf - 1 piece
Peppercorns - 5-6 pieces
Lemon - 1 piece for decoration
Ground pepper, salt and parsley to taste

How to cook pike ear
How to clean a pike
Wash the pike under cold water, scrape off the scales from all sides of the pike with a knife, cut off the tail and head with gills with a knife, and the fins with culinary scissors. Cut the belly of the fish lengthwise from head to tail, remove all entrails and films, rinse thoroughly inside and out.
1. Cut the pike into large pieces.
2. Boil the pike in a large amount of salt water, periodically skimming off the foam.
3. Strain the pike broth and return to the saucepan.
4. Peel and chop the onions and carrots.
5. Chop the parsley root finely.
6. Add onions, carrots and parsley to the ear, salt and pepper.
7. Boil the pike soup for another 5 minutes, then insist under a closed lid for 10 minutes.

Serve pike ear with lemon and parsley. Fresh black bread and pies are perfect for a snack to the ear.

How to cook pike jellied

Pike - 800 grams
Onions - 1 piece
Celery root and parsley - to taste
Pepper, salt and bay leaf - to taste
Head and ridge of any other river fish - preferably 1 piece

How to make pike jellied in a saucepan
1. Put all heads, tails, ridges, fins in a saucepan and pour two liters of cold water.
2. Add vegetables there and cook for two hours.
3. After that, the broth must be filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
4. The pike must be cut into 4-5 pieces.
5. Add pike, bay leaves, salt and pepper to the broth.
6. Cook for 20 minutes.
7. After the end of cooking, take out the pieces of fish and separate the meat.
8. Be sure to strain the broth again.
9. Divide the meat into molds and pour over the broth.
10. Can be garnished with sliced ​​rings of eggs and carrots.
11. Remove to a cool place until solidification.


- Pike ear can be welded on chicken broth, with the addition of chopped potatoes (20 minutes before the end of cooking) or millet (half an hour).

- If pike ear is boiled on their heads, their eyes and gills should be removed.

- If you want to get a very rich pike broth, you need to cook the pike in the ear for 1 hour, and stir a piece of butter in the finished ear. At the same time, assume that a cube with a side of 2 centimeters is needed for 1 liter of broth.

- Pike meat is dietary product... 100 grams contains only 84 kcal. Pike contains vitamins A (destroys bacteria and viruses, maintains the health and youth of cells, improves vision and immunity in general), C (strengthens the immune system), B (B vitamins are involved in the normalization of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, affect the skin, strengthen hair and vision, liver, digestive tract and nervous system), E (normalizes metabolism), PP (strengthens blood vessels).

- Before the purchase pike should pay attention to its appearance and smell. The pike's eyes should be clear and clean. The scales are smooth, tight against the skin, the tail is elastic and moist, and the smell is fresh and pleasant, barely resembling sea mud.The pike is not suitable for consumption if the carcass has cloudy eyes, and the trace, when pressed on it, remains for a long time. Also, stale pike has an unpleasant odor and a dry bent tail. Such fish should not be purchased.

- The calorie content of boiled pike is 90 kcal / 100 grams.

How to cook stuffed pike

Pike - 1 kilogram
Onions - 2 pieces White bread - 2 pieces
Carrots - 1 piece
Paprika - 0.5 tsp
Pepper, salt, bay leaf - to taste

Food preparation
1. Make an incision in the skin just below the gills with a sharp knife.
2. Remove the skin starting from the head.
3. Not reaching two centimeters to the tail, cut the ridge; remove the meat from the bones.
4. Soak two pieces of bread in water and squeeze.
5. Grind fish meat, a roll and one onion in a meat grinder.
6. Add paprika, salt and pepper to the minced meat; mix well.

How to cook stuffed pike in a double boiler
1. Put the carrots and onions cut into rings on the wire rack of the steamer.
2. Place the fish with its head in the center.
3. Cook in a double boiler for 30 minutes with vigorous boiling.

How to cook stuffed pike in a saucepan
1. Pike ridge, cut onion and carrots into rings, place on the bottom of the pan. You can also add onion husks there so that the fish has a more beautiful color.
2. Place the stuffed fish with your head in the center.
3. Add enough cold water to cover the vegetables and slightly reach the fish.
4. Cook for 1.5-2 hours.

How to cook stuffed pike in a slow cooker
1. Pike ridge, cut onion and carrots into rings, place on the bottom of the pan. You can also add onion husks there so that the fish has a more beautiful color.
2. Place the stuffed fish with your head in the center.
3. Add enough cold water to cover the vegetables and slightly reach the fish.
4. It is necessary to turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1.5-2 hours.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 6 minutes.


