How much to cook notothenia?

how much to cook notothenia
Whole nototten to cook 10 minutes... Cook fillet of notothenia 5 minutes.

Steam or in a double boiler, cook 15 minutes.

How to cook delicious nototenia

Nototenia - 4 carcasses
Potatoes - 6 pieces
Onions - 2 heads
Carrots - 1 large
Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
Red, black pepper and paprika - to taste
Seasoning for fish - 2 teaspoons
Salt - 1-2 teaspoons to taste
Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons

How to prepare nototenia for the second
1. Wash the fish, scrape off the scales, gut and rinse the inside.
2. Cut each fish into 3 parts - if the fish is very small, then into 2. Grate the pieces with salt and spices, leave to marinate for 10 minutes.
3. Peel and chop the onions and carrots.
4. Pour oil into a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, heat, put the fish and fry until golden brown over medium heat without a lid, turning the pieces regularly.
5. Add onions and carrots, fry for another 5 minutes, stirring.
6. Peel the potatoes, chop coarsely, put in a saucepan and stir.
7. Pour in water - so that it covers the dish, add tomato paste and add salt.
8. After boiling, reduce heat - the water should only boil a little.
9. Close the pan with a lid, cook for 20 minutes.


Nototenia is a medium-sized, but very nutritious fish, with a calorie content of 150 kcal / 100 grams.

Notothenia boiled with spices can be served simply on a plate - it has a self-sufficient taste.

Nototenia is good for cooking fish soup. In order for the fish to transfer all the richness to the broth, the cooking time should be increased by 10 minutes. It is important that the broth remains rich during cooking.

The price of notothenia is from 250 rubles / 1 kilogram (on average in Moscow as of August 2017).

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 2 minutes.


