How much to cook whiting?

how much to cook whiting
Cook the whole merlang for 15-20 minutes. Cook pieces of whiting for 10 minutes.

How to cook whiting

Merlang - 1 fish weighing about 0.6-0.7 kilograms
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Pepper - 1 teaspoon

How to cook whiting
1. Defrost merlang, if it was frozen, gut and rinse.
2. Put the whole fish in a saucepan, pour cold water so that the water covers the whiting with a margin of 1 centimeter.
3. Put the pan on the fire, add salt and pepper.
4. Boil the whiting after boiling for 15-20 minutes.


- Merlang - this is small fish of the cod family, a distinctive feature - 3 bizarre dorsal fins. The fish is widespread in the Barents, Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas.

- Boil whiting is very rare, usually preferring to stew or fry this fish. After cooking, the whiting meat becomes dryish, so boiled vegetables are great for garnish.

- Calorie content whiting - 88 kcal / 100 grams.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 1 min.


