How much to cook ice fish?

how much to cook ice fish
Cook ice fish in a saucepan 15 minutes entirely.
Cook ice fish in a double boiler 20 minutes, pieces of fish - 15 minutes.
Cook ice fish in a slow cooker 20 minutes in the "Steam cooking" mode.
Cook ice fish for a child for 10 minutes longer.

How to cook ice fish

Needed - ice fish, water, salt, herbs and spices to taste

Food preparation
1. Rinse ice fish under cold water, dry it a little with napkins for easy cleaning.
2. Place the icefish on a cutting board and cut off all the fins one at a time, then the tail.
3. Cut the belly lengthwise, remove the insides and rinse the inside of the fish.
4. Cut the fish into portions and place in a saucepan.

How to cook ice fish in a saucepan
1. Pour 1 centimeter over the fish with water and put on medium heat.
2. After boiling water, add salt (at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and remove the foam.
3. Boil the icefish pieces for 10 minutes with a slight boil.

How to cook ice fish in a double boiler
1. Place the icefish in a single layer in a steamer container and season with salt.
2. Pour in water and put the steamer into operation.
3. Cook the portioned pieces of ice fish for 15 minutes.

How to cook delicious ice fish

Ice fish - 6 pieces
Carrots - 3 pieces
Fresh asparagus - 10 shoots
Sweet peas - 10 pods
Lemon - half
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Salt and black pepper - to taste

How to cook ice fish
Defrost ice fish, gut, remove fins and cut off heads. Rinse ice fish thoroughly, pat dry with a napkin. Boil the ice fish for 7-10 minutes in salted water, then put the ice fish on a plate, sprinkle with lemon juice and pepper to taste.
Wash and peel the vegetables, chop finely. Preheat a frying pan, add oil, put vegetables, salt and fry for 3 minutes. Then put the vegetables on a plate with the ice fish and you can serve the finished dish.

How to boil ice fish in milk

Ice fish - 1 kilogram
Milk - half a liter
Onions - 1 large head
Carrots - 1 medium
Parsley root - 1 piece
Salt and black pepper - to taste
Sour cream - 100 grams
Vegetable oil - 50 milliliters

How to cook ice fish in milk
Peel the ice fish, cut off the tail, fins, head. Cut the fish into portions.
Peel and chop the onion, carrot and parsley root.
Put the saucepan on the fire, heat, pour oil, put onion, after 5 minutes carrots and parsley root. Put pieces of ice fish on top, salt and pepper. Pour milk over the ice fish, bring to a boil, add sour cream and cook for 30 minutes under a lid over low heat.


Currently, icefish is classified as premium seafood, the cost per kilogram of icefish ranges from 900 to 1800 rubles. (on average in Moscow as of July 2019).
The calorie content of ice fish is 90 kcal / 100 grams.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 3 minutes.


