How much hake to cook?

how much hake to cook
Pieces of fish fillet hake to cook are put in a pot of boiling water and boiled 30 minutes over low heat, covered. Cook hake in a double boiler 40 minutes... In a multicooker, cook hake on the "Steam cooking" mode 20 minutes... The whole fish is not cooked because it is usually too large.

Recipe for boiled hake with spices

Hake fillet - half a kilo
Cucumber pickle - 1 glass
Water - 1 glass
Butter - 30 grams
Green onions, garlic, dill, parsley, black pepper - to taste.

How to cook delicious hake
Pour cucumber pickle and water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, put the hake pieces skin side up, spices, and cook for 30 minutes. Serve boiled hake with butter.

Polish sauce for boiled hake

Broth - one and a half glasses
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Sunflower or olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Chicken egg - 1 piece
Butter - half a tablespoon
Lemon juice from half a lemon
Salt to taste

How to make hake sauce
1. Boil a chicken egg, chop finely.
2. Melt butter in a frying pan, add flour, fry, stirring occasionally.
3. Dilute with hake broth.
4. Add egg, herbs and seasonings, pour in lemon juice, salt and cook without lid for 10 minutes.

Serve the sauce separately from the hake.


- Calorie content hake - 86 kcal / 100 grams.

- The cost frozen hake - 200-300 rubles / 1 kilogram (on average in Moscow for June 2020). Choose hake in the store, dry freezing is necessary (otherwise there is a possibility of paying for ice at the price of a hake), the fillet must be whole (otherwise there is a high risk of re-freezing), no more than 30 centimeters long, the amount of glaze should not exceed 5%.

- Hake season - in February-March, then the cost of this fish is significantly reduced.

- Other name hake - hake.

- Fry hake for 7 minutes on each side over medium heat, uncovered.

- Shelf life of boiled hake - 3 days in the refrigerator.

- There are few bones in fish, hake is considered low-calorie a product of a rather low cost, so hake is very common in cooking.

- Heck is very useful content of PP vitamins (growth, health of skin and bones, maintenance of a normal digestive tract), vitamin B9 (growth and development of new cells), vitamin A (normalization of metabolism and the immune system), iodine (normal functioning of the nervous system and thyroid gland) and copper (bone and circulatory health).

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


