How much to cook fish in Argentina?

how much to cook fish in Argentina
Argentina is cooked whole for 30 minutes after boiling. Cook the Argentina cut into pieces for 20 minutes.

How to cook Argentina

You will need - Argentina, water, salt, herbs and spices to taste

1. Argentina to wash and gut, cut into large pieces.
2. Put in cold water, add salt, pepper and bay leaves to taste.
3. Put the pan on the fire, simmer the Argentina for 30 minutes.

How to make Argentina fish soup

Argentina - 350 grams
Potatoes - 600 grams
Carrots - 1 piece
Onions - 1 piece
Parsley - 2 roots
Fat - 1 tablespoon
Black and allspice - 3 peas each
Bay leaf - 2 leaves
Greens (celery, parsley) and salt - to taste

How to make Argentina soup
1. Wash the fish, peel off the scales with a knife or cleaner, make an incision along the abdomen and take out the insides, cut the fish across into 5-6 pieces.
2. Wash, peel and dice the potatoes.
3. Wash, peel and dice the carrots and parsley roots.
4. Wash, peel and chop the onion.
5. Put the chopped vegetables in boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes.
6. Add fish pieces, spices and salt to boiled vegetables and leave on the stove for another half hour.
7. Season the prepared soup with fat.
8. Add greens after serving the dish directly to the plate.

How to cook Argentina with vegetables

Argentina (fillet) - 550 grams
Carrots (medium) - 2 pieces
White onion (large) - 1 piece
Parsley root - 50 grams
Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
Vinegar 3% - 2 tablespoons
Granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon
Rock salt - to taste

Food preparation
1.Defrost 550 grams of Argentina fillets at room temperature, rinse quickly and cut into equal sized pieces.
2. Sprinkle lightly with salt on each piece and marinate for a few minutes.
3. At this time, peel a large onion and chop finely.
4. Wash and peel 50 grams of parsley (root) and 2 medium carrots, chop the root vegetables.
5. For the sauce, dilute in a glass until smooth 2 tablespoons of a weak solution of acetic acid (3%), a teaspoon of granulated sugar and a tablespoon of tomato paste.

How to cook Argentina with vegetables in a saucepan
1. Place pieces of Argentina, chopped parsley, onions, carrots in layers in a thick-walled saucepan, pour over 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and sauce.
2. Cover the saucepan and put on a low heat for about an hour. Your argentina is ready!

How to cook Argentina with vegetables in a slow cooker
1. Fold in layers in a multicooker bowl pieces of Argentina, chopped parsley, onions, carrots and pour 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and sauce.
2. Set the "Stew" mode and cook the dish for 45 minutes. Put the hot fish on the plates and serve!


- Argentina has an elongated body, covered with large scales, and flattened on the sides. The maximum length of the fish is 60 centimeters, and the weight is only about half a kilogram. Argentina reaches this size only by the age of 25. In contrast to the body, the head of this fish species is relatively small, while they have rather large eyes. Another distinctive feature is that the lower jaw protrudes slightly forward.

- Basic habitat - waters of the Atlantic Ocean, from Ireland to the northern Norwegian regions, temperate and northern waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. In Russia, this fish is caught in the east and southwest of the Barents Sea. Argentina prefers to live at great depths from 20 meters to a kilometer, near a sandy or muddy bottom, but for a catch, the most optimal depth is 30-100 meters.

- For the silvery color of the scales with a golden sheen, Argentina often called silver and gold smelt.

- Argentina fillet appreciate for special juiciness and tenderness. Dried and fried Argentina is considered very tasty. However, the fish has a specific smell reminiscent of fresh cucumbers. For this reason, some people prefer to spray the carcass with acetic acid or lemon juice in order to beat it off.

- 100 grams of boiled argentina contains 88 kcal, in fried fish in oil - more than 130.

- In the process butchering it is necessary to remove black mucus from the peritoneum from Argentina so as not to spoil the taste of the dish. After that, the Argentina is washed and cut. To do this, lay the film on the work surface, clean the fish from the scales, remove the insides and rinse again.

How to cook Argentina with tomatoes

Argentina - 1 kilogram
Tomato - 2 pieces
Onions - 2 pieces
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Mustard - 1 tablespoon
Salt, allspice, to taste
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
Sour cream - 4 tablespoons

Food preparation
1. Cut argentina carcasses into portions, sprinkle with pepper and roll in a plate with 2 tablespoons of flour.
2. Heat a frying pan with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry the fish over high heat on both sides for 3 minutes.
3. Peel 2 onions, cut into rings and fry.
4. Rinse 2 tomatoes under running water and cut into slices.
5. Stir a tablespoon of mustard in a glass with 4 tablespoons of water.

How to cook Argentina with tomatoes in a saucepan
1. Put the fried fish and onions, chopped tomatoes into a thick-walled saucepan and pour mustard over the top.
2. Put on low heat, cover and cook for 20 minutes.
3. For the sauce at the end of cooking, pour the liquid from under the fish into a separate saucepan, add boiled vegetables, rubbed through a sieve, 2 tablespoons of flour lightly fried in a pan, salt and season with 4 tablespoons of sour cream. Boil the resulting mixture for 3-4 minutes.

How to cook Argentina with tomatoes in a slow cooker
1. Put the fried fish and onions, chopped tomatoes into the multicooker bowl and pour over with mustard.
2. Switch on the "Braising" mode and cook for 15 minutes.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 5 minutes.


