How much to cook Easter?

how much to cook Easter
Depending on the amount of food, cook the custard Easter in a water bath for 30-50 minutes. And you do not need to cook the usual one - it is enough to boil it so that the eggs seize hot. After cooking, Easter must be insisted in the refrigerator for more thickening for half a day. In total, you need to spend 1.5 hours in the kitchen for Easter.

How to cook Easter

Cottage cheese (5-18%) - 1 kilogram
Butter - 100 grams
Sour cream (10-15%) - 270 grams
Egg yolks - 4 pieces (if the eggs are large, then 3 pieces)
Sugar - 4 tablespoons
Dried fruits or candied fruits for filling - 100 grams
Easter products and equipment

How to cook Easter
1. Squeeze the cottage cheese out of excess moisture and pass twice through a sieve or meat grinder.
grated cottage cheese for Easter 2. Separate the yolks from the proteins, pour into a saucepan.
3. Beat the yolks with a fork or whisk, add honey and sour cream, cottage cheese, mix thoroughly with a fork or pass through a meat grinder - the mass should be the consistency of thawed ice cream.
ready easter and shape 4. Pour water into a large saucepan and put a saucepan with the yolk mixture on its bottom - this is how you get a water bath.
5. Boil the mass for Easter 40-50 minutes until thickened, without closing the lid, over low heat (there should be no boiling in the saucepan, only light steam).
6. When the mass becomes dense, transfer the saucepan with the mass to a saucepan with ice water, stirring constantly the mass itself.
7. Stir the filling into Easter (any dried fruits and candied fruits to taste).
8. Lay 2-3 layers of cheesecloth with gauze and put the curd mass into it.
9. Put Easter in a bowl lined with several layers of gauze (so that excess moisture does not accumulate in Easter and does not make it wet), and cover with a slight oppression.
Easter under the yoke 10. Cool Easter completely and put in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, regularly wiping off the resulting moisture.
ready easter
11. Carefully remove the Easter from the Pasobox and remove the gauze, turn the Easter over and place on a festive dish. Easter on a platter


- For cooking Easter, you need to choose a freshish-tasting cottage cheese and thick fat sour cream. Better to buy crumbly homemade cottage cheese. Remember that Easter in no case should have a sour taste, so dense cottage cheese is suitable for cooking Easter only as a last resort. In order to prepare the store cottage cheese for cooking Easter, it is necessary to squeeze out excess liquid from it using a press.

- Molds for Easter can be bought at the store during Easter holidays. To save money, you can use handy utensils: a grater (the most common option), plastic cups (0.5 liters) with holes, or flower pots, or plastic bottles. The holes are extremely important so that excess liquid comes out from Easter. If you take care of the preparation of Easter in advance, then before the Easter holiday, they bring a variety of beavers to shops - made of wood, cardboard, silicone and plastic. But remember that classic Easter always endures

- Traditionally, the Easter bowl is covered with gauze, but the gauze leaves the mesh. To make the mesh less visible, the gauze is moistened with water or replaced with polyethylene.

- There are 2 ways to grind cottage cheese - in addition to a sieve, you can use a meat grinder by simply passing the cottage cheese through it 2-3 times.

- Easter can be decorated with candied fruits, walnuts or pine nuts, almonds. For a soft consistency, they can be finely chopped. They can be used to lay out the traditional "HV" for Easter. Also, coffee beans, pieces of chocolate, colored cream, colored sprinkles are suitable for laying out "XB".

- To give Easter a dessert taste, vanillin, condensed milk, chocolate, eggs and dried fruits (figs, dried apricots, raisins, bananas) are added to it.

- Sugar in the recipe can be replaced with honey, then the taste of Easter will be even more delicate.

- Serve Easter cut into pieces like a cake.

- Store Easter, covered with plastic, for 2 days in the refrigerator.

- The time for insisting Easter in the refrigerator can be up to 3 days. Traditionally, Easter is prepared on Wednesday-Thursday.

- You can add whipped cream to your taste for Easter, they will give Easter a pleasant custard flavor.

- It is better to prepare the mass for Easter with a margin, so that as Easter settles in shape, you can achieve the restoration of its volume.

- If the Easter is liquid, soak it for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator directly in the pan, it will be denser.

- If you plan to carry Easter to light in the temple, it is recommended to put all Easter in the freezer the night before the holiday. Then, even with strong sun, Easter will not suffer. Moreover, if a lot of Easter is cooked, then you can take Easter out of the freezer as needed, and you can not worry about storing it for 1 month.

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Reading time - 4 minutes.


