How much apples to cook?

how much to cook apples
Rinse the apples, remove the core. You do not need to peel it. Place fruits in a saucepan. The water should completely cover the apples. After boiling, pour sugar over the fruit. Continue cooking. After 30 minutes, check the readiness of the apples with a wooden skewer. If the fruits become soft, it's time to take them out of the syrup. Boil the syrup for another 10 minutes so that it becomes thicker. Pour the prepared sugar syrup over the fruits.

How to cook apples in syrup

Fresh apples - 2 pieces
Water - 100 milliliters
Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons
Powdered sugar - 3 pinches
Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife

How to cook apples
1. Rinse the fruit thoroughly, remove the core. You don't need to peel the apples, but if the fruit has a tough skin, you can.
2. Fold the processed fruit into a low cooking container. When pouring water into the container, you must make sure that the liquid completely covers the apples.
3. After boiling water, sprinkle sugar evenly over the fruit.
4. Continue boiling apples over the fire. If the fruits start to burn, it is necessary to reduce the heat.
5. After 30 minutes of boiling, check the apples with a thin wooden skewer. If the fruits become soft, it's time to take them out of the syrup.
6. Put boiled apples on portioned dishes. Boil sugar syrup for another 10-15 minutes so that it becomes thicker. Pour the prepared sugar syrup over the fruits.

How to cook caramel apples

Fresh apples - 2 pieces
Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
Granulated sugar - 150 grams

How to cook apples
1. Wash and dry the apples.
2. Pour fresh lemon juice into sugar.
3. Sugar with lemon put to caramelize on a quiet fire.
4. Pour the surface of the apple with thick caramel.
5. Apple, drizzled with syrup, cool.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


