How much to cook condensed milk from milk?

how much to cook we do condensed milk at home
Boil condensed milk from milk for 1-2 hours, but you can cope with these life hacks in 15 minutes.

Condensed milk from regular milk

The classic way
Milk with a fat content of 2.5% and higher - 1 liter, the higher the fat content, the more creamy the taste will be, for heightened effect, you can add butter, but it is not necessary
Sugar - 180 grams

Tip: Boil more milk, pour it into sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator - that's enough for a long time! How to cook condensed milk from milk
1. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on a low heat. It is better to use a saucepan so that the milk does not burn.
2. Pour sugar into warm milk and immediately stir completely so that the sugar does not burn.
3. With constant stirring with a whisk, boil the mixture for 1-2 hours, depending on the initial fat content of the milk and the desired thickness. For ordinary condensed milk, an hour is needed, for thick boiled milk - 2 hours. To ensure that there are no lumps, break the finished condensed milk with a blender.
4. Check the condensed milk for readiness: wait for the hot jelly consistency, drip milk onto a plate and cool.

Condensed milk powder

Milk 3.2% - 1 glass
Powdered milk (can be replaced with milk mixture) - 1 glass
Sugar - 1 glass

Easy way - 1 hour
1. Thoroughly mix all ingredients, pour into a small saucepan.
2. Put on a "water bath" (that is, in 1 more saucepan) and cook for 1 hour on low heat without a lid, stirring occasionally with a whisk, dissolving the sugar.
3. Hot boiled water will turn out to be liquid, but after cooling it will solidify. It must be cooled and refrigerated for 12 hours. From this amount of ingredients, about 0.5 liters of boiled condensed milk will be obtained.

Quick condensed milk recipe in 15 minutes

Milk - 200 milliliters
Sugar - 200 grams
Butter - cube 30 grams

How to cook
1. Pour the sugar into a saucepan, add a spoonful of water and put on the fire so that the sugar slowly caramelizes, then add butter so that nothing will burn.
2. While the sugar is simmering, heat the milk in the microwave and add to the sugar, boil until thoroughly mixed for 5 minutes.
3. Mix together with milk powder and stir until the lumps of milk powder are completely dissolved.


Condensed mathematics Condensed milk price - from 80 rubles / 400 grams. (on average in Moscow for June 2020), the price of boiled condensed milk is from 90 rubles / 350 grams. A good boiled condensed milk contains only natural products. If a "milk fat substitute" is added, the product may be of inferior quality. If you cook condensed milk at home, you will need products for 70 rubles. and you get a whole liter of condensed milk, and the quality of the product will be higher.

You can cook condensed milk only in liquid milk or even in cream - then the condensed milk will cook longer, about 3 hours, but it will be more tasty. For cooking, you need 1 liter of milk or cream per pound of sugar.

When cooking, you can add baking soda at the tip of a knife - then the condensed milk will turn out exactly without lumps, but the consistency will be a little thinner.

Condensed milk can be cooked in a multicooker - on the "Stew" mode for one and a half hours.

Homemade condensed milk is good to add to cereals, bread or pancakes, it is also great for creams.

The price of products for homemade condensed milk is from 100 rubles / 1 kilogram (as of June 2020).

Powdered milk can be bought in specialized grocery stores - it costs from 300 rubles / pound (data as of June 2020).

To taste, when cooking, you can add vanilla sugar and cinnamon to the condensed milk.

To diversify the taste, you can add vanilla sugar, cocoa, cinnamon, brown sugar to the hot dessert.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 3 minutes.


