How much caramel to cook?

how much to cook caramel
Boil the milk. Caramelize sugar over low heat, stirring continuously. Pour hot milk into a saucepan with melted sugar. Put the saucepan with the milk-sugar mixture on very low heat (the caramel should simmer, not boil), stir constantly. Add a pinch of salt. Remove saucepan from heat. Add butter, stir. Cool down.

How to make soft caramel

Sugar - 1 glass
Milk - half a glass
Butter - 50 grams
Vanilla sugar - half a teaspoon
Salt - on the tip of a knife

How to make soft caramel
1. Pour half a glass of milk into a small saucepan and heat to a boil.
2. Pour into a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) 1 cup of sugar, put on medium heat.
3. After 2 minutes, the sugar will begin to melt, now it needs to be heated and stirred constantly so that the melting process goes evenly.
4. Gradually, in about 10 minutes, the melted sugar will acquire a golden ("caramel") color, after which the saucepan must be removed from the heat.
5. Pour hot milk into a saucepan with melted sugar in small portions with constant stirring.
6. Put the saucepan with the milk-sugar mixture on very low heat (the caramel should languish, not boil), stir constantly.
7. Add half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, on the tip of a knife, salt and stir again.
8. Remove the stewpan with caramel from heat.
9. Add butter, mix soft caramel until smooth.
10. Transfer the soft caramel to the bowls and cool.

Serve soft caramel with baked goods, fruit, whipped cream, or as a stand-alone dessert.


- If the inside of the saucepan is dark, the trickle from the spoon will help determine the color of the melted sugar.

- It is important not to overexpose the sugar on the fire and to avoid the smell of burnt sugar.

- If you pour cold milk into melted sugar, it will not dissolve well. If you pour in all the milk at once, a lump will form, which will also be difficult to dissolve.

The salt in this dessert compensates for the sugary sugar.

The calorie content of soft caramel is 380 kcal / 100 grams.

The average cost in Moscow for July 2019 of products for making soft caramel is 70 rubles.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


