How much to cook soybeans?

how much to cook soybeans
Be sure to soak the beans in cold water for at least 12 hours before boiling. Transfer the soaked product to a saucepan and add new water a couple of centimeters above the level of the beans. Put the pan on a low heat, wait until it boils and cook hour and a half... Salt the soybeans no earlier than 15 minutes before the end of cooking so that the beans do not become tough.
To cook the beans unattended, set the timer to 99 minutes and cook at 3 out of 10.

Boiled soybean recipe

Soybeans - 100 grams
Champignons - 20 grams
Hard cheese - 50 grams
Cream - 200 grams
Onion - half a head
Garlic - 1 clove
Ground black pepper - to taste
Salt to taste
Butter - 1 tablespoon

How to cook soybeans
1. Wash the beans and soak in cold boiled water for 12 hours.
2. Drain the water.
3. Put the beans in a saucepan and fill them with water so that it covers them with a 2 centimeters margin.
4. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours.
5. Add salt 15 minutes before cooking.
6. When ready, remove the pan from the heat, drain the water.
7. Peel the onion and garlic, chop finely.
8. Cut the champignons into strips.
9. Melt butter in a frying pan, add onion, garlic, mushrooms, pepper, salt and lightly fry on low heat until golden brown.
10. Add the beans to the skillet and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
11. Add cream and simmer for another 10 minutes.
12. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Add the beans to the skillet and simmer for another 3 minutes.


- Calorie content soybeans - 122 kcal / 100 grams.

- Benefit soybeans are due to the content of potassium in them (provides a water-salt balance), iron (supports good immunity, participates in the growth process, ensures the transport of oxygen in the body), calcium (bone formation), magnesium (participates in energy production, building bone tissue, protein synthesis), phosphorus (ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system), zinc (helps to improve memory, is important for the brain, skin, nervous system), as well as vitamin A (contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, the fight against skin diseases), B1 (necessary for normal blood circulation), B2 (necessary to maintain healthy skin, nails, hair), B6 ​​(improves metabolism), C (essential for blood formation), E (slows down the aging process, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation).

- It is not recommended to add soda when boiling beans. This will speed up the cooking, but when the soda is added, the vitamins contained in the beans are destroyed, and a specific taste appears.

- Soybeans are excellent are combined with vegetables and herbs.

- Readiness sign soybeans - their softness.

- Storage period soybeans - 1 year at a temperature of 0-10 degrees.

- Average cost soybeans in Moscow in June 2017 - from 100 rubles per kilogram.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 2 minutes.


