How much to cook sushi rice?

how much to cook rice for sushi
Cook sushi rice 15 minutes.

How to cook sushi rice

1. Rinse the rice for sushi in 5 waters - so that the water becomes completely transparent.
how to cook rinsed sushi rice
2. Dry the sushi rice for 30 minutes in a colander or sieve.
how to cook dry rice for sushi
3. For 1 glass of rice for sushi, you need one and a half glasses of water - pour the rice into a saucepan and add water.
how to cook pour rice with water in a ratio of 3: 1
4. Put a pot of water and rice on a fire and bring to a boil.
how to cook boil rice for sushi
5. Cook rice for 15 minutes under the lid, without interfering, then insist for half an hour.
how to cook rice in a saucepan is infused
6. In a bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, half a teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of sea salt; mix well.
how to boil make a vinegar mixture
7. Add rice to a bowl and mix well.
how to cook rice mix with a vinegar mixture
8. Cool boiled sushi rice - it is ready for use in sushi and rolls.

Rice for sushi in gadgets

Cook rice for sushi in a double boiler 40 minutes... To do this, take 1.2 cups of water for 1 glass of rice.
Cook rice for sushi in the rice cooker on the "Rice for sushi" mode for about 30 minutes, then, without opening the rice cooker, hold for another 30 minutes.
Cook rice for sushi in a slow cooker in the ratio of 1 rice: 1.25 water on the "Buckwheat" mode for 20 minutes; or on the "Bake" mode for 10 minutes and then "Stew" for 20 minutes.
In order to cook rice for sushi in a microwave oven, you must use a ratio of 1 rice: 1.5 water. Rinse the rice and soak for 40 minutes, send it to a bowl and cook for 7 minutes at the highest microwave power (800-900 W), stirring the rice every 2 minutes.

How to cook rolls

1. Spread the seaweed leaf on a bamboo napkin.
how to cook seaweed on a bamboo napkin
2. Spread the rice evenly over the surface of the seaweed, leaving a slight indent on one to cook put rice on a seaweed leaf
3. Along the opposite side, along the edge, lay out the filling (shrimp, squid, avocado, cucumber, lettuce, etc.). how to cook place the filling along the edge of the rice
4. Carefully wrap the roll with a napkin and wrinkle it slightly so that the top edge of the seaweed is pressed tightly to the roll.
how to cook wrap rice in a roll
5. Cut into 4-6 rolls.
how to cook cut a roll
Serve the rolls on a flat plate.
how to cook ready-made rolls


By the way, Calrose rice is traditionally used for sushi, but any "glutinous" rice variety can also work.

The calorie content of Kalrose rice is 340 kcal / 100 grams.

The cost of rice for sushi is from 100 rubles / 0.5 kilograms (on average in Moscow as of June 2017).

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Reading time - 3 minutes.
How much to cook / Cereals / Rice / Rice for sushi and rolls


