How much to cook Italian rice?

how much to cook italica rice
Put italica rice in water (ratio 1: 2) and cook for 20 minutes after boiling.

How to cook Italian rice

You will need - 1 glass of italica, 2 glasses of water

1. Wash Italian rice under running cold water.
2. Pour italica rice into an unenamelled saucepan.
3. Pour italica rice with cold water, based on the ratio per glass of rice - 2 glasses of liquid.
4. Place a saucepan with Italian rice over medium heat and let it boil.
5. Reduce heat to low, close the lid, leave on the burner for 20 minutes.
6. Remove the saucepan with rice from the stove, do not open the lid, let the rice simmer for 10 minutes - the rice will cook on its own and the grains will retain their round shape.


- Italian rice - this is round-grain white rice of soft varieties, so it is used for cereals, casseroles, puddings, desserts. When boiling, italica rice sticks together, which gives the dish a creamy consistency.

- The cost Italian rice - from 130 rubles / 1 kilogram (on average in Moscow in June 2017).

- Italic rice absorbs the aromas of spices well and turns out to be rich in taste, therefore italic rice is also used for cooking pilaf.

- To make italica rice crumbly, before boiling, you need to fry it for several minutes in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.

- Shelf life Italian rice - 12 months.

- Calorie content Italian rice - 344 kcal / 100 grams.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 1 min.
How much to cook / Cereals / Rice / Italica


