How much to cook brown (brown) rice?

how much to cook brown rice
Boil brown rice 40 minutes over low heat under a closed lid.

How to cook brown rice

Brown rice should be taken in proportion to 1 cup of rice 3 cups of water.
1. Rinse the rice, soak in cold salted water for 20 minutes and rinse again.
2. Pour water into a saucepan, put the pan on fire.
3. Add brown rice, salt and spices (parsley, curry, dill) to the boiled water.
4. Cook brown rice for 40 minutes over low heat, covered.
5. Throw brown rice in a colander and rinse with warm boiled water.
6. Return the cereal to the saucepan and leave covered for 10 minutes.
Brown rice is served as a side dish with butter or ghee.

How to quickly cook brown rice

1. Rinse the rice.
2. Throw the rice in a colander, let the water drain, soak in cold salted water for 1 hour; then drain the water again.
3. Put the rice in boiling water and cook for 20 minutes.
4. Remove the pan from the heat, wrap it in paper and wrap it in a blanket for 40 minutes.


Brown rice is unpolished and unprocessed cereals, the healthiest type of rice, the most nutritious, but requiring long-term cooking (boiling). Brown rice is named for its brownish hue, although it is often grayish in color.

In general, brown rice should be soaked for an hour so that it is saturated with moisture. Depending on the variety, the cooking time can vary and range from 20 to 40 minutes. After cooking, the rice is infused under the lid for an hour for greater softness.

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Reading time - 1 min.
How much to cook / Cereals / Rice / Brown rice


