How much to cook barley on pickle?

how much to cook barley in pickle
For the pickle, soak the pearl barley for 6-12 hours and cook 1 hour.

How to cook barley for pickle

You will need - barley, all cooking for pickle

1 way - usual, with long soaking
1. Measure the barley, rinse and pour into a deep bowl, cover with cold water and stir.
2. Leave for 6-12 hours (or overnight) at room temperature.
3. Add to the pickle 1 hour before the end of cooking.

Method 2 - fast, with soaking
1. Put the washed barley in a sieve, place the sieve over a saucepan with a little water.
2. Put the pan on the quietest heat and keep the barley under the lid for 1 hour, stirring every half an hour - then you can add it to the pickle one hour before the end of cooking.

Method 3 - cook barley in sachets, without soaking
Important! A full bag of barley is a lot even for a 5-liter pot! Keep in mind that a bag of barley will absorb a lot of broth.
1. The pearl barley in special cooking bags has been specially steamed, so it does not require soaking: just dip the pearl barley bag directly into the broth with meat, so it will be immediately saturated with meat juices.
2. Boil the barley in a bag for 45 minutes, then rip up the bag, put out the required amount of barley and add 10 minutes before the end of cooking. The remaining barley can be frozen and added when boiling the next pickle.

4 way - risky, cook barley without soaking
1. Rinse the pearl barley and add to the broth water.
2. Add meat and cook until the barley is completely soft for 2-2.5 hours, then you can add other products.


Rassolnik is a soup with a lot of salt, and salt "tanns" the barley a little, so it is very important to achieve complete boiling of the barley. Then the pickle will be tender, not hard-grained.

What is the most correct way to boil barley? - You ask. And here's how we answer: of course, the longest, with soaking: the cereal is gradually saturated with moisture and then evenly brought to softness right in the soup.

If the broth for the pickle is already cooked, but the barley is not yet soaked and there is no bagged barley, do this: replace the barley with rice, it will cook in 20 minutes and the broth will be a little less rich, but you will not spoil the soup for sure.
How to cook barley for pickle

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


