How much to cook oatmeal (oatmeal porridge)?

how much to cook oatmeal
Bring milk and / or water to a boil, add oatmeal, stir, cook over low heat 3-5 minutesstirring constantly. Then add oil, stir again and remove from heat. You can add sugar, honey, apples, bananas, dried fruits and nuts to oatmeal as a flavoring.

The benefits of oatmeal (rolled oats)

Oatmeal is rich in vitamin B, oatmeal normalizes cholesterol levels, removes toxins and salts of heavy metals from the body.
Oatmeal is relatively high in calories - 350 kcal / 100 grams, however, it has a low glycemic index (it is gradually absorbed by the body and does not allow a person to get hungry quickly), therefore it is considered a dietary product.
The chemical composition of oatmeal includes potassium, magnesium, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, chromium, iron, fluorine, silicon, zinc.
Oatmeal should be eaten 3-4 times a week, since daily consumption of oatmeal leads to the removal of excess calcium from the body.

Healing oatmeal jelly

Pack of "Hercules" - 1 glass Water - 1 glass Yeast or a piece of rye bread

How to cook medicinal oatmeal jelly
Flakes "Hercules" are poured with cold water in a 1: 1 ratio and a little yeast or a piece of rye bread is added. Then leave to ferment, wrapped in a thick cloth to keep warm. After 12 hours, carefully drain the liquid, bring to a boil - and the oatmeal jelly is ready.

Do I need to wash hercules
Hercules does not need to be washed before cooking.

Oatmeal recipe

Oatmeal - 1 glass
Water - a glass and another quarter glass
Milk - 1 glass
Honey - 1 tablespoon
Butter - 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Jam and yoghurt to taste

How to cook oatmeal
Stir water and milk in a saucepan, boil, salt, add honey, mix a little and add oatmeal. Cook for 5 minutes. Serve with jam and / or yogurt.

See all the intricacies of cooking oatmeal!

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Reading time - 1 min.


