How many beans to cook in a pressure cooker?

how much to cook beans
Cook beans in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes.

How to cook beans in a pressure cooker

You will need - 1 cup of beans, water for soaking, 4 cups of water

1 cup of beans about 250 grams - the output will be about 500 grams of boiled cereals
1. Rinse beans and soak for 8-12 hours in cold water.
how to cook measure the beans 2. Set the pressure cooker for 1 hour with the valve closed and full pressure, if the pressure cooker is electronic, select the "Beans" mode.
how to cook measure the beans 3. Boil the beans for 20 minutes after boiling water in a regular household pressure cooker, and in a multicooker with a pressure cooker function for 25 minutes.
how to cook salt beans 4. Turn off the pressure cooker and, without opening the lid, wait 40 minutes until the pressure is released and the beans are cooked up due to the accumulated temperature.
how to cook boiled beans

About beans in a pressure cooker

Cooking in a pressure cooker assumes that the water will not boil away, but keep in mind that the water will soak into the beans.

In a pressure cooker, the beans are slightly boiled due to intense pressure, so it is advisable to pour in enough water so that after cooking the beans do not drain: for every half cup of beans, 1.5 cups of water.

Due to the variety of pressure cookers and the differences in their approach to cooking, it is recommended that you read the instructions for your particular pressure cooker.

The fastest way to boil beans is in a pressure cooker, since cereals are cooked under pressure and at temperatures above 100 degrees: even stale cereals become completely soft. The same method is the fastest, because you do not need to monitor the fire and water level, and after an hour of cooking, the pressure cooker will continue cooking under completely natural conditions that do not require the attention of the cook.

When boiling large quantities of beans, keep in mind that the beans grow a lot in size. Therefore, the pressure cooker must not be loaded more than halfway, otherwise it will not be possible to reach the required pressure level.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


