How much to cook buckwheat with stew?

how much buckwheat to cook
Cook buckwheat with stew for 20 minutes.

Buckwheat with stew

Jar of boneless stew - 500 grams
Buckwheat - 1 glass
Salt - 1-2 teaspoons, depending on how salty the stew is
Water - 1.5 cups
buckwheat with stew

Food preparation
1. Sort out and rinse the buckwheat with running water.
2. Open a can of stew with a can opener, cut the meat into small pieces.
3. Try the stew for salt - if it is very salty, adjust the amount of salt when cooking buckwheat.

How to cook buckwheat with stew in a saucepan
1. Pour 1.5 cups of water into a saucepan, put buckwheat, add salt if necessary.
2. Boil the buckwheat for 10 minutes after boiling, add the stew (along with the liquid), mix the buckwheat with the stew.
3. Cook the buckwheat with the stew for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the heat, wrap the pan with buckwheat and stew in a blanket and let it brew for 10-20 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with stew

For buckwheat, pork, beef stew, horse meat or even wild boar are best suited. Buckwheat will absorb all the juices during cooking. It is better to remove the fat that may be present in the jar with stew.

You can boil buckwheat and mix it with stew, but then buckwheat will not have time to soak in meat juices and will be dryish. To smooth out the minus of this method, add butter to buckwheat.

How to cook buckwheat with stew in a slow cooker
1. Put buckwheat into a multicooker, pour in water.
2. Close the lid of the multicooker, cook buckwheat for 10 minutes after boiling in the "Cooking" or "Groats" mode.
3. Put the stew in a slow cooker and continue to cook buckwheat with stew for another 15 minutes under a closed lid.
4. Insist buckwheat with stew, without opening the lid of the multicooker, for 10 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with stew in a pressure cooker
1. Pour buckwheat into the saucepan of the pressure cooker, add the stew and add water.
2. Set the cooking time - 8 minutes in the "Groats" mode.
3. After gaining pressure, cook for the prescribed time, then wait for half an hour for the pressure to drop - just during this time, buckwheat will be infused.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


